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Green Production Print

Green Production Print

1. A common problem

1.1 Only sustainable business models are future-proof.Companies with high CO2 emissions are increasingly confronted with economic risks – due to greater consumer sensitivity, tightening political regulations and fundamental technological advances. In order to prove the carbon footprint of a product to consumers, customers or regulatory authorities and to initiate targeted reduction measures with their suppliers, companies depend on accurate information at product level.

2. A common solution

2.1A large part of product-related CO2 emissions arise in the upstream supply chain. Cooperation with suppliers is therefore a key to decarbonization. So far, however, there is no efficient solution to precisely determine the emissions of the individual stages in the value chain. It is time for industry, as one of the main causes of greenhouse gases, to assume its responsibility and actively counteract climate change. In developing an effective approach to reducing emissions, we recognized the need for a collaborative approach.

3. Primary data instead of estimated values ​​

3.1The task was to determine the exact carbon footprint of the product, not that of any comparable product. Effectively meeting our value chain emissions targets requires accurate, actionable data, not estimates. That is why we have developed a solution for the efficient collection of primary data. With several hundred sensors at all relevant points, we determine exactly where improvements are most efficient. We are constantly improving and optimizing our dynamic recording of the CO2 footprint of our products. We know from our own experience that reducing emissions is a company-wide task. That is why we are constantly improving our technology.

4. Implement actively

Our answer is to produce the energy within the value chain ourselves and in a CO2-neutral manner. For these reasons, we produce the energy we need with a geothermal power plant that has an output of approx. 52,000 KW/h around the clock and redundantly on three turbines 24/7/365 and is completely CO2-neutral. Of course, the investments are huge. For us it is a must have to generate energy ourselves and to work CO2-neutrally as far as possible and guarantees 100% gene dismantling on nature, soil and water.

The picture shows the geothermal turbine that can deliver up to 70,000 KW/h. The image is copyright The-Melats.com ©